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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

It's been a bit hectic since my last post.

First the fires and evacuation...
did a lot of praying, thinking...
having to deal with losing one whole week of school
&trying to figure out how the heck we're all supposed to catch up, meet deadlines &whatnot...
trying to get back to going to the gym on a more regular basis...
Dee's Bday...
Khristine's Bday...
Trish's Bday...
Anne's Bday...
prepping for Show Choir's first solo performance...
Soldier Boy comes to Otay Ranch HS
Church choir...
prepping for St. Michael's 50th anniversary concert...
GRADES =( ...
Audience reunited minus Airman GP (miss you geeps)...
Congrats Dee&David on your
CUSH's transimission goes bad and having to buy a new car...
auditioning more people for Show Choir...
district mtgs...
faculty mtgs...
planning and prepping for December performances...
got the flu but better now...
Thanksgiving was great...
camped out at Frys again this year...

And that's been my life in a nutshell.
So I've been really bad about returning phone calls again this month!
I'm so sorry everyone.
Really I am.
I trust you're all doing the Lord's Gracious and Giving Hands.

But can I just say that I AM SUPER EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!!!
May we all walk the good walk this Advent season!